Wednesday 21 January 2015

WAKE UP! AFRICA (sleeping child)

WAKE UP, sleeping child, wake up.

Sieve your African freshness-
infected by Caucasian beauty,
and persuasive Asian invasion.

Wake up and see the orange hue spew-
far from the east coupled by morning dew,
on fresh grassland in glorious morning anew.

wake up and feel the morning breeze,
the world calm, peaceful, and at ease.
before rising dust and sun creeping out trees.

Wake up early to face new dawn,
let the sleeping dogs toss, turn, and yawn,
as you conquer those that use you like a pawn,

Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Rise and call dibs on your morning blessing,
before morning peace awakens evil doing-
to loom like darkness yet the sun is shining.

Rise for even if you sold most of your gold,
you have distinct minds of wisdom untold,
minds more valuable than that which you sold.

Rise and shine instead of bump and grind in pubs and clubs
that keep you up all night in a trance leaving you down and drub,
hindering you from work and seeking God in religious hub.

Rise and set yourself to run this timed race,
for you were born into a mortal human race
and from birth, your cry; a whistle to commence.

Rise sleeping child and keep up with the pace,
left behind you'll be nothing but a disgrace-
lonely, weary, teary in the worlds cold embrace.

Eat or be eaten, conquer or be conquered,
lead or be lead, squander or be squandered,
live or help others live as you are fostered,

Rise and find something to live for
Something to fight for, something to die for,
For if you have nothing to keep you alive
You might as well lay fast asleep….

Rise for you are treasure stored in a chest.
Unlock your potential, let them see you shine,

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