Wednesday 23 May 2018

Where did you go?

Where did you go? 

Where did you go, my love? 
Where did you go?

I thought I had it all figured out, 
I honestly thought I did... 

I prayed to have you like many men pray to have riches,
And like a genie out a bottle, God granted my wishes. 

We'd hold hands till our palms would slowly start to slip in sweat,
And like they hold palm leaves on Easter only we knew what it meant.

To love someone without condition and to sacrifice for the sake of love,
There was innocence in what we had and we shared it all in half.

I'd take pieces of you like fruits off a tree,
You'd imbibe off of my honey like I were a bee.

We'd fight and forget to burry the hatchet, 
So our worries locked away stayed in our closet.

They'd creep out like ghouls and haunt us at our lowest, 
Patronising every heart beat till either one of us would weep

And slowly hearts that beat for one another started to skip,
Till God tested our will and as we tried to leap I slipped and we tripped 

I got broken, your state was inexplicable, 
And I didn't stay long enough to help you pick up after your fall. 

I am selfish, stupid, and inconsiderate...

I thought I had it figured out, 
I honestly thought I did...

Now where did you go, my love? 
Where did you go?

I see lovers snicker and gently bicker as their plates clink over dinner,
And my patience like every pull off a ball of yarn only grows thinner.

Am eager and slightly bitter but its only if one squeezed out my emotions like a lemon that they would discover, 
a lost and wandering heart trying to find hope and serenity in empty hands or just a place of its own to slumber.

I wonder, besides the wall you built, do you seek shelter in the arms of another lover? 
I don't know how to break your walls down anymore, at best am only a spectator.

It's no wonder I admire them in their places of solace,
Yet if I were in their shoes I'd oft feel troubled and restless. 

We want in, they want out,
When we're out, we need grout, 
When we're in, we have doubts
An enigma, I can't work out

Yet I only seek a hand to hold, a hug for warmth and ears that work, 
To hear me out as I chit and chat over things that leave a mark.

Someone to call my own that I can stare at deep and long,
Without lust but splendor over the beauty I behold.

Someone whose mind I can cross and they'd put me first before ego comes along,
To start a tag of war as one ponders back and forth over reaching in like its wrong.

Yet to be lonesome is appalling,
But how many surely know this?

How many know that when the money is gone,
friends too busy to tag along and the hour glass run out your calling,
You'll have no place to run to, no place to call home
for that one person you neglected walked out sobbing?

Where did you go, my love? 
Where did you go?

I thought I had love figured out, 
I honestly thought I did...

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