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Conjolted Poetry

Conjolted Poetry

Thursday 13 October 2011

What if?

What if?.
skies beyond our reach were never breached by hailstorms,
rains only dwindled to feed crops and moisten green grass,
snow only played the role of beauty on Christmas,
and nature stayed ever green as roses and hibiscus blossomed,
animals raced through their habitats fearless of falling,
birds chipped through the sky chipping sweet songs-
of peace and not discreetly mourning. 
What if the ozone was still in its true nature?
What if? 

What if?
Mankind only lived to love,
technology was used for peace and eradicated poverty,
deprived families had plenty at their disposal,
disease was a mere illusion,wealth was not pride,
rebels raided homes of the hopeless to help them,
terrorists harmonised instead of terrorise,  
and being humane was what made people conceited.
What if people all over the world woke up to peace?
What if? 

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