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Conjolted Poetry

Conjolted Poetry

Sunday 6 April 2014

Baptise me.

Sins we bare are burdens to our feeble souls
they say our messiah died for them aboard;
a cross that symbolised the greatest sacrifice.

But verily we should owe much gratitude,
to God who sent him to rescue and save us,
for at the end of it all God chooses what should be.

Tis' your holly water I seek,
Tis' you holly water I long for
To wash my sin and loath

My eyes have aided my many crimes,
yet my will can tell right from wrong.
ayeh, still, I ogle slimming my chances.

My mental enslavement to sin burdens me,
I long to squander my blunders then slumber,
and leave behind the strife of this life.

Reign over my sin before death claims it's win,
ordain me from disdain for it eats away my din,
your holly water is what made me and cures my sin,.

Tis' your holly water I seek,
Tis'  you holly water I long for
To wash my sin and loath
So I can be baptised and cleansed;
of sin and hate within me.

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