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Conjolted Poetry

Conjolted Poetry

Sunday 3 June 2018

Rainbow (New day)

When summer's larking,
And your dripping
Like an ice cone off an eave, 
You may start to think. 
That it will never leave,
Till leaves relieved from trees,
Fall freed from branches with ease
It's not death, it's relief, 
That's why they say rest in peace,
and then autumn too leaves,
And it starts to feel like, 
Winter only gets grimmer,
Till you take time off, 
To see her snowflakes- glimmer.

When you're out there collecting battle scars-
you didn't ask for and wondering whether you can take anymore... 
When each and every other day is going worse than -
the day before and you're starving yourself the freedom to live...
When it seems like your mind just keeps getting louder-
by the hour and you can't keep up with all the drama don't cower, 
Cause no matter how much your haunted mind is baffled and
hassled by troubles that make your heart stutter then shutter-
as a rabble of butterflies strives to break free- stay still,

And open your eyes...
Somewhere beyond all that darkness, 
There's a dream that you hide.
Don't deny it... 
There's a canvas and a story, 
Waiting for you to breath in life. 
Who am I? 
Am only a remainder, 
Of the greatness within,
So wait just a little bit longer, 
For the rain to subside, 
Then we'll see the sunrise,
Rise past the rainbow, 
Rise past the rainbow,
Of a brand new day.  

Filled with hope and opportunity;
because pain, pain is seasonal.

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